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Bringing Circle of Security to Classroom Settings

Early childhood is a time for significant social and emotional learning. The experiences children have in their early years of life go on to profoundly shape their life trajectories. So, it makes sense that education, training and funding opportunities are geared towards supporting infants and children during this period.
illustration of child and teacher sitting at a table
It is exciting to see the recommendations for early childhood care recently shared by the US Office of Administration for Children and Families. The goal is to promote the social, emotional, behavioral and mental health needs of children – values very much shared with the COS Classroom approach!

Rather than learning techniques to manage children’s behaviors, the COS Classroom Approach brings lasting change to early care professionals and the children in their care by developing relationship capacities. Children who have the opportunity to experience a secure base relationship with a trustworthy adult who they see every day learn relationship capacities from these adults that they will carry with them – capacities for positive relationships, emotion regulation, executive functioning, and other capacities that accompany security, like trust, patience, and cooperation. These social-emotional skills allow children to engage with the world around them and make learning easier.

Want to learn more about the COS Classroom Approach? Follow the link.

Want to read more about the recommendations from the US Office of Administration for Children and Families? Follow this link.

Hearing each other’s stories helps us connect with caregivers all around the world; and it also offers opportunities to reflect more on the Circle of Security that is present in all our lives. Please consider sharing your own story for our blog page. Click here to submit your story.