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COSP Classroom Facilitator Materials

Handouts and Other Resources for Classroom Facilitators


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Become a COSP Classroom Facilitator:

The COS Classroom Approach

Complete COS Classroom Approach (Tier 1) training to become a COSP Classroom Facilitator and gain access to the Classroom tools on this page.

The COS Classroom Approach is a two-tier model, and this online course for Registered COSP Facilitators offers training to facilitate Tier 1: COSP Classroom Professional Learning Series with childcare providers and/or preschool teachers. Facilitators interested in helping early care professionals to apply COSP principles into group care settings will gain insight both in ways to help teachers use COSP to manage relationship struggles while holding multiple Circles in the classroom, and to organize their understanding about the complexity of relationships in working directly with children while partnering with parents...Learn More.

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