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Circle of Security in the Community

Investing in Early Relational Health

COSP in America's Largest City

The New York Story

This is the story of a remarkable multiyear effort to bring Circle of Security Parenting to New York City, America's largest city, and one of its most diverse. Like most large cities, New York is not one community, but many. Funding for this project was provided by the city's Department of Health and focused on two communities within New York City where social risk factors were prevalent: Harlem and the Bronx. This multiyear effort to support parents was led by the Mental Health Association of New York (now called V!brant; see and a remarkable group of paraprofessionals trained in COSP who held no-cost groups in community centers, schools, apartment complexes, and early education sites reaching many thousands of families! For example, in the last two years of the project (2019 and 2020), the team had 2,706 caregivers complete COSP groups and even held online groups as the COVID-19 pandemic struck New York.

It's hard to summarize a project of this scope; perhaps the best way to summarize the experience of bringing COSP to New York City is through pictures and video. We are grateful to the many people who brought COSP to New York, particularly our partners at V!brant and the thousands of caregivers who travelled the circle as part of this amazing project.

Four multilingual registered COSP facilitators smiling for the camera

Four of the multilingual Registered COSP Facilitators show their enthusiasm for the work.

A group of caregivers standing in front of a bus

It takes a village to recruit caregivers and deliver COSP to thousands!

A group of caregivers standing and smiling

Exceeding lofty goals means working together and celebrating your efforts.

A man holding a Circle of Security questionnaire

Time to get the word out about Circle of Security Parenting.

Meet the Allen Family: A mother and father talk about their experience with Circle of Security Parenting.

Listen as a group of parents from the Bronx (NYC) who have gone through Circle of Security Parenting talk about their experiences and share what they are taking away from their group experience.