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Circle of Security International - Company History

mom with son on a scooter


ircle of Security-International was incorporated in 2008 in response to growing interest and international demand for training in the Circle of Security-Intensive intervention. As interest grew, so did the company. And when an evening and weekend project centered around Glen Cooper’s garage morphed into the Circle of Security Parenting program, the company’s rate of growth increased exponentially.

Here are some of the pivotal moments in our company’s history:


The publication of the results from the first trial of the COS-Intensive program in 2006 which spurred initial interest in training and supervision.


The desire to create a scalable and effective COS protocol (the Circle of Security Parenting (COSP) program) and its companion COSP Facilitator training which was launched in 2010. COSP training has introduced providers from many disciplines to the Circle.


The publication of the Circle of Security Intervention book in 2014 increased interest in the intensive psychotherapeutic approaches.


Publication of the book for parents and caregivers in 2017 called Raising a Secure Child increased our ability to reach communities around the world.


The development of the Fidelity Coaching model that allows Registered COSP Facilitators around the world access to a COSP-informed method of reflective consultation.


The shift to online streaming of the COSP content (2018) and online training for the COSP program (2020).


The retirement of the Co-Originators of the Circle of Security models following a multi-year transition to the current Leadership Team.


The development of new online course content allowing learning from home and extending provider capacity while reducing training cost.

Check out the Origins Stories section of our website to find out more about the history behind the development of the Circle of Security-International. Click here to read more about our Co-Originators Glen Cooper, Kent Hoffman and Bert Powell. Our page on the First Circle covers the history of Glen, Kent and Bert’s professional and personal journey together and how they first conceived of the Circle of Security. Click here for an introduction to our current Leadership Team.

mom with son on a scooter

By 2020, more than 35,000 providers around the world had attended COSP trainings held in more than 20 countries. The COSP program has been translated into multiple languages. As more providers learn the fundamentals of our approach, two more recent areas of growth have emerged. First, there has been expanding interest in applying the COSP model to early learning sites, leading to the development of the COSP-Classroom Approach. Second, providers began asking for post-training support spurring the development of our Fidelity Coaching model.

None of us could have foreseen the ways in which the Circle of Security has touched people’s lives. While our company’s primary focus is on training providers to deliver the Circle of Security models in various settings, we are inspired by the ways in which professionals and communities use the Circle to impact caregivers and children worldwide. That is why we feature the story of one of the early applications of the Circle of Security-Intensive model in a prison-based program for pregnant and parenting mothers with histories of trauma and substance abuse on one of our web pages; the remarkable story of Tonier Cain and her youngest daughter (an infant when Tonier went through the COS-Intensive program and now a teenager) exemplifies how hope, courage and a roadmap to security can inspire change.