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ur contracted Trainers are all early adopters of the Circle of Security. All have years of clinical practice and/or teaching experience and have been hand-selected to share their reflections with trainees. They have been utilizing the Circle of Security protocol for years within their own clinical practice, and have proven presentation abilities. They have each been handpicked to become trainers for the Circle of Security Parenting DVD trainings. The listings below are alphabetical by last name.

Portrait of Claud Bisaillon

Claud Bisaillon

Claud is a clinical psychologist and professor in the department of psychology at the University of Sherbrooke in Montreal, Canada. She is dedicated to the care of children and adolescents and was trained in the COS-Intensive model in 2008 when she was working in a youth protection facility. She participated in the pilot testing of the COSP program and supervised the French translation of COSP so that it can benefit French speaking populations around the world.

Claud is both a clinician and a researcher; in her position as professor she has mentored both undergraduate and graduate students, introducing many of them to attachment science using the Circle as a learning tool. Her clinical interests are attachment-based parent-child interventions, particularly those, like COS, designed to enhance parental reflective functioning. Her research projects are mainly centered on examining the effects of the Circle of Security Parenting program with different populations, including indigenous communities. For example, she works closely with a team centered in the Kahnawake Mohawk community near Montreal who have used COSP as one tool to address a history of oppression and related trauma. She is also interested in examining the effects of the COSP training on professionals.

When she is not working, Claud enjoys outdoor activities, whether it is hiking, jogging, cross-country skiing or tennis...and traveling around the world.

Claud est psychologue clinicienne et professeure au département de psychologie de l'université de Sherbrooke, au sein du cheminement Intervention en enfance et adolescence. Elle se consacre au travail clinique auprès des enfants et des adolescents et s'est formée au modèle intensif Cercle de sécurité en 2008 alors qu'elle travaillait dans des services de protection de la jeunesse. Elle a participé aux pilotes du programme Cercle de sécurité parental et a supervisé sa traduction en français afin que les francophones du monde puissent en bénéficier.

Claud est à la fois clinicienne et chercheure : à titre de professeure elle a supervisé des étudiants de baccalauréat et aux études supérieurs, en initiant ceux-ci à l'attachement à l'aide du modèle COS. Ses intérêts cliniques portent sur les interventions parent-enfant basées sur l'attachement et plus particulièrement celles qui, comme COS, ciblent le développement de la fonction réflexive parentale. Ses intérêts de recherche visent pour la plupart à examiner les effets du programme COSP auprès de différentes populations, des communautés autochtones. Elle travaille étroitement avec une équipe de la communauté Mohawk de Kahnawake près de Montréal qui utilise COSP afin de contribuer à la guérison des traumas historiques. Elle travaille à examiner les effets de la formation COSP sur les professionnels.

En dehors du travail, Claud aime voyager et s'adonner à des activités de plein-air, que ce soit la randonnée, le jogging, le ski de fond ou le tennis.

Portrait of Ida Brandtzæg

Ida Brandtzæg

Together with her partner Stig Torsteinson, Ida has worked tirelessly to promote Circle of Security Parenting in the Scandinavian countries. Ida graduated from the University of Oslo with degrees in Psychology and has dedicated her teaching and clinical career to infant psychology. She worked in the infant section at Nic Waals Institute in Oslo for many years. She and Stig are currently the directors of Attachment-Psychologists; Education-Center and Clinic (Tilknytningspsykologene; Utdanningssenter og Klinikk) in Oslo, Norway (see She is a COS Supervisor and Trainer and works both with the COS-Intensive Intervention and COSP in Scandinavia.

Her recent interests include putting updated knowledge from attachment theory and research and elements from the COS program into practice in child care and school settings. Together with Stig and Guro Øiestad at the University of Oslo, she has written two books on this topic- both translated into Swedish and Danish. Ida has also recently written two books about attachment together with Stig and professor Lars Smith: «Barn og relasjonsbrudd». Del 1 Mikroseparasjoner and Del 2 Mikroseparasjoner (2019). These books explore ruptures in the relationship between children and their caregivers and how clinicians can work to enhance attachment relationships.

In her spare time, Ida loves spending time with her family and friends. She enjoys baking and reading. In addition she loves a relaxing bath, especially after running, skiing or exploring the outdoors together with Stig.

Sammen med sin partner, Stig Torsteinson, har Ida arbeidet utrettelig for å fremme Circle of Security i Skandinavia. Ida ble uteksaminert som psykolog fra Universitetet i Oslo, og har dedikert sin karriere til sped- og småbarns psykologi. Hun har i en årrekke arbeid ved Nic Walls Institutt. I dag er hun, sammen med Stig Torsteinson, leder for Tilknytningspsykologene; Utdanningssenter og Klinikk (se Hun er COS Supervisor og Trainer og arbeider både med COS-Intensive Intervention og COSP i Skandinavia. Hennes siste interesser inkluderer å å fremme oppdatert kunnskap fra tilknytningsteori og forskning, sammen med elementer fra COS programmet, inn i praksis i barnehage og skole. Sammen med Stig og psykolog Guro Øiestad fra Universitetet i Oslo har hun skrevet to bøker om emnet som er oversatt til svensk og dansk. Ida har også nylig skrevet et tobindsverk om tilknytning sammen med Stig og professor Lars Smith: «Barn og relasjonsbrudd». Del 1 Mikroseparasjoner and Del 2 Mikroseparasjoner (2019). Bøkene utforsker brudd i relasjoner mellom barn og deres omsorgspersoner, og hvordan klinikere kan arbeide for å styrke tilknytningsrelasjoner.

På fritiden elsker Ida å tilbringe tid med familie og venner. Hun liker å lese og å bake. Ellers så elsker hun å bade, løpe eller gå på ski i naturen sammen med Stig.

Portrait of Joe Coyne

Joe Coyne

Joe Coyne has worked for 20 years in the area of child and family psychology. He is particularly interested in the developmental processes involved in healthy outcomes and the impacts of parenting and life events on personal trajectories.

In recent years he has been exploring the benefits of incorporating attachment theory and research into contemporary treatment approaches for parents, children and adults. He is an accredited therapist and supervisor for the Circle of Security Intervention. In Australia he is an Endorsed Clinical Psychologist and Endorsed Educational and Developmental Psychologist.

In the past he has worked in Health services delivering family and parenting interventions, and supervising clinical staff, and prior to that in a trauma focused family service. Since 2010 he has been on the staff of QUT and currently coordinates the Master of Psychology (Educational and Developmental).

Portrait of Kristin Freeze

Kristin Freeze

Kristin Freeze is a Licensed Mental Health Therapist residing in Spokane, Washington Kristin has a background in Early Childhood Special Education and spent 5 years teaching where her primary emphasis was on supporting the parents of her students to be their children’s biggest advocates. She then took time out of the workforce to start her own family and get an education on being a parent of two boys. She became enamored with Circle of Security shortly after graduating with her master’s degree in clinical Mental Health Counseling and starting a second career She was lucky enough to work within an agency who used the Circle of Security as a basis for all services and this has greatly influenced her view of caring for clients and for colleagues. She enjoys thinking about all of the ways The Circle can be applied and extended in the clinical setting. She has run countless COSP groups and hopes to be able to do that indefinitely. After returning to school for her Masters Degree and becoming a COSP Facilitator, she has continued to deepen her learning through becoming a COSP Fidelity Coach, Guiding the Human Condition Course and pursuing the Circle of Security Intensive path. She hopes to learn and grow in this field for years to come.

When she is not working in the realm of Circle of Security, she is running a welding business with her husband, driving her kids and learning more about parenting, and doing anything she can to be outside running, walking, hiking, snowboarding, fishing, and more!

Portrait of Carlos Guerrero

Carlos Guerrero

Carlos Guerrero has a degree in general medicine from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, (Bogotá, Colombia), and after his migration to the USA obtained a Master in Social Work from the California State University East Bay. Carlos is Alumni of the Harris Early Childhood Mental Health Training Program in Oakland California and the Child Trauma Training Institute Training in San Francisco California. In 2006, he completed the 10 days intensive training of the Circle of Security program and since 2009, he has been applying COS approach to his work with Spanish-speaking families. Carlos is a Registered COS Parenting Facilitator, and assisted in the development of the DVD and manual of COSP™ in Spanish.

During his time in Colombia, he concentrated his work in providing support and mental health services to homeless and runaway children and youth living on the streets of Bogotá City. After migrating to the USA, he resumed his clinical work as an outpatient family therapist in community mental health, providing treatment to high-risk families in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Currently, Carlos works as a Parent-Child Psychotherapist with the Early Childhood Mental Health Program at Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland. He provides home-based intensive individual and dyadic mental health services to diverse inner-city populations; particularly young children and monolingual Spanish-speaking immigrant families from Latin America.

Portrait of Deborah Harris

Deborah Harris

Deborah received her Master's degree from UC Berkeley. She completed graduate and post-graduate internships at the Infant-Parent Program, founded by Selma Fraiberg, at the University of California, Department of Psychiatry and with the Family Therapy program at the Veterans Hospital in San Francisco. In addition to her work in California, Deborah has focused on diverse and rural populations in New Mexico, particularly with young children who have experienced trauma.

Deborah is passionate about the Circle of Security and is certified in the advanced Circle of Security assessment and treatment protocol and as a COS DVD Parenting Facilitator and Trainer. She provides statewide consultation to providers using the COS DVD in a variety of settings including; home visiting, early childhood education, therapeutic parenting groups, child protective service, Native American tribal settings, and more. Deborah is a graduate of the Zero To Three Leadership Development Initiative and belongs to the Zero To Three Graduate Academy.

Deborah is the director of the New Mexico Infant Team Project working with young children in protective custody, which is a long time interest and focus of her work. She teaches advanced clinical courses in infant and early childhood mental health and provides training and reflective supervision for agencies and individual practitioners. Deborah is endorsed by the New Mexico Association for Infant Mental Health as a Level IV Infant Mental Health Mentor and Practice Leader.

Portrait of Anna Huber

Anna Huber

Dr Anna Huber is a psychologist, infant and early childhood mental health practitioner, and researcher with long experience in educational, developmental, community and private practice psychology contexts.

From 2005-2012, she led the development of the Centre for Early Life Matters at Marymead Child Family Centre in Canberra, a relationally-focused infant and early childhood mental health service for families with young children. She is now working in a private practice focused on relationship based work with families with infants and young children.

Anna completed her PhD in 2016 researching the effectiveness of the Circle of Security Intensive Intervention with young children and their families. This research has had international impact. She continues to be actively involved in real world research and evaluation efforts to build better evidence from practice, working with Macquarie University Centre for Emotional Health. She also provides supervision and consultation to practitioners and managers working in community based child and family programs in Australia and New Zealand.

Anna is on the board of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, representing practitioner organisations around the world working on the ground with young children and their families.

Following the lead of Caroline Zanetti in Perth, Anna pioneered the use of Circle of Security interventions in eastern Australia from 2006, leading a Canberra team in the use of the intensive intervention and then, after hosting the first COSP training in Australia in 2010, also working with COSP. She continues to regularly use the COS interventions in her clinical work with families.

Anna has been an accredited COS Intensive provider since 2007, a Registered COSP Facilitator since 2010, a COS supervisor since 2008 and a trainer of COS supervisors since 2015.

Portrait of Megumi Kitagawa

Megumi Kitagawa

Megumi is a Professor of Faculty of Letters at Konan University, a Ph.D. of Education (Kyoto University) and a clinical psychologist. She is a reliable coder of AAI and has worked on research of attachment, including developing a projective method of assessing attachment. She has over 20 years of clinical experience in psychotherapy for children and adults at mental clinics and school counseling centers. While becoming more interested in applying attachment theory and research of child-parent relationships into clinical practice, she attended the 10-day Circle of Security Intensive program in 2007.

In 2008, working with Japanese families, she conducted the first Circle of Security Intervention program in Japan, with supervision by Bert Powell. She continues to work with Japanese families. She is a certified Circle of Security Parenting (COSP™) program facilitator, and she and her colleague translated the COSP™ DVD and manual into Japanese. She has also written an article about helping caregivers by conducting Circle of Security programs (Kitagawa, 2012).

甲南大学文学部教授。京都大学大学院博士(教育学)。臨床心理士。AAI評定資格を取得し、アタッチメント研究、特にアタッチメントの投影的測定方 法開発に取り組んできた。また、20年以上の臨床経験をもち、精神科クリニック、学生相談などの場で、大人や子どもへの心理療法に携わってきた。近年、ア タッチメント理論や研究を実践に応用すること、特に親子関係支援に関心をもつようになった。2007年にCOSプログラムの訓練を受け、2008年以降、 Bert Powellによるスーパービジョンを受けながら、日本で初めて日本の親子にCOSプログラムを実施してきた。COSPプログラムの実施資格もあり、 COSP™のDVDとマニュアルの日本語版を共訳した。主な著書:「養育者支援-サークル・オブ・セキュリティ・プログラム の実践」(『アタッチメントの実践と応用』数井みゆき(編)誠信書房、2012年 pp.23-43. )

Portrait of Camelia Maianu

Camelia Măianu

Camelia Măianu has a Master of Science in Developmental Psychology from the University of Utah and 20 years of college teaching experience. Currently, Camelia is a lecturer for the Human Development and Family Studies Program at the University of Vermont where she focuses on child development.

Camelia emigrated from Romania with her family in 1979, and returned to Romania as a Fulbright Research Scholar in 1999-2000, remaining for another 2 years to work with institutionalized and HIV+ children. In the U.S. she has worked as a caseworker for mentally ill children and adolescents, a mental health counselor, a research coordinator, and a GED Instructor at the Cook County Jail in Chicago.

She is certified as a COS DVD Parenting Facilitator and regularly uses the COS model with student groups. She is deeply committed to helping make COS available to professionals in Romania.

Camelia Măianu deține un masterat în Dezvoltarea Copiilului și are 16 ani experiență de predare în mediul universitar. în prezent, este profesor asociat la Harrisburg College, unde activitatea ei a fost apreciată cu Premiul de Excelență al Președintelui. Susține un curs anual de "Dezvoltarea Copilului în Context" și, în fiecare an, este alături de studenți în experiența lor de studiu în România.

După ce a emigrat în SUA împreună cu familia sa în 1979 Camelia Măianu a revenit în România douăzeci de ani mai târziu cu o bursă de cercetare Fulbright Research Scholar, când a petrecut 2 ani lucrând cu copii instituționalizați, diagnosticați cu HIV. în SUA ea a lucrat ca și asistent social pentru copiii și adolescenții bolnavi mintal, ca și consilier pe probleme de sănătate mintală, coordonator de cercetare precum și ca instructor în educarea adulților la închisoarea din Chicago.

Certificată ca și facilitator Cercul Siguranței pentru Părinți, Camelia Măianu folosește în mod regulat modelul Cercul Siguranței în activitatea sa cu grupurile de studenți, dar mai ales este foarte hotărâtă să ajute la răspândirea modelului Cercul Siguranței în România atât în rândul specialiștilor cât și a publicului larg.

Portrait of Francesca Manaresi

Francesca Manaresi

I am a psychologist and a evolutionary-cognitive psychotherapist and have been working for over 30 years with children, adolescents and their parents. At the beginning of my study the work of Klein and Winnicott have been most influential to me. Afterward Attachment theory and the modern cognitivism guided my studies and my clinical activity. I have also conducted research in psychiatric epidemiology: specifically, identifying risk factors for borderline personality disorder and dissociative disorders. For this research, I collaborated with Gianni Liotti, a friend of John Bowlby, who brought the theory of attachment to Italy in both theoretical and clinical applications. Gianni Liotti and the theory of attachment have changed my professional and emotional life. He founded a research working group where I met my husband with whom I have been married for 25 years.

Another person who marked a transformative moment-- from a human and professional point of view-- is Bert Powell. I met Bert in Oslo where he was leading a 4-day Circle of Security Parenting™ course. Those four days pushed me to think about myself as a daughter and as a mother and I did not always like it; in some moments it was very painful but it was also transformative. I became passionate about the Circle of Security and, with Bert's support, decided to bring COSP to Italy. This meant tackling the challenge of translating the manual and adapting and dubbing the DVD. This work has thrilled me and allowed me to study all the material in great detail…it was also a lot of fun! COSP has become my reference model both in the clinic and in training. I now travel around Italy to train young colleagues who want to become psychotherapists and when conducting COSP trainings, I always find a great consensus.

In addition to working, I'm a fan of cinema, books, cooking and dancing. Last year at the venerable age of 55 years I became a teacher of Caribbean dance. Dance and cooking are my mindfulness activities. My husband and I have two wonderful children: Valeria and Leonardo, who are now young adults. Valeria is studying Psychology, Leonardo wants to become a naturalistic guide in South Africa.

Sono una psicologa e una psicoterapeuta a orientamento cognitivo-evoluzionistico e lavoro da oltre 30 anni con bambini, adolescenti e famiglie. All'inizio del mio percorso di formazione ho approfondito lo studio di M. Klein e D.W. Winnicott. Successivamente la Teoria dell'Attaccamento e il moderno cognitivismo hanno guidato i miei studi e la mia attività clinica. Mi sono anche formata nell'ambito della ricerca epidemiologica e ho partecipato a ricerche di epidemiologia psichiatrica: nello specifico ho lavorato in alcuni studi per l'individuazione dei fattori di rischio per lo sviluppo del disturbo borderline di personalità e dei disturbi dissociativi. Nell'ambito di queste attività di ricerca ho avuto il privilegio di conoscere e collaborare con Gianni Liotti, un amico di John Bowlby, che ha sostenuto, in Italia, l'interesse e l'approfondimento della Teoria dell'attaccamento sia da un punto di vista teorico che per quel che riguarda le applicazioni cliniche. Gianni Liotti e la Teoria dell'Attaccamento hanno cambiato la mia vita professionale e personale. Nel gruppo di ricerca su attaccamento e psicopatologia coordinato da Gianni Liotti ho conosciuto quello che sarebbe diventato mio marito con il quale sono sposata da 25 anni e con il quale ho due meravigliosi figli: Valeria e Leonardo.

Un'altra persona che ha contribuito alla mia crescita personale e professionale è Bert Powell. Ho incontrato Bert a Oslo dove stava conducendo il corso Circle of Security Parenting™. Quei giorni di formazione con Bert mi hanno permesso di riflettere e rielaborare alcuni aspetti della la mia storia di attaccamento e della mia genitorialità. Questo processo, per quanto doloroso, ha attivato un potente processo trasformativo, ancora in atto. Del resto non si finisce mai di elaborare le proprie esperienze.

In quei 4 giorni mi sono appassionata del Circle of Security e, grazie al supporto emotivo e professionale di Bert, ho deciso di portare il COSP in Italia. Questo ha significato non solo tradurre il manuale ma anche lavorare sull'adattamento e sul doppiaggio del DVD. E' stato un lavoro molto impegnativo ma straordinariamente interessante: mi ha permesso di approfondire il lavoro sul COSP e di pensarlo all'interno della specificità Italiana. Lavorare con gli attori doppiatori è stato anche molto divertente. Ora il COSP è diventato uno dei miei riferimenti più importanti sia nella mia attività clinica che nella mia attività di formatore e di supervisore. Faccio tanta formazione nelle scuole di specializzazione e conduco i training per il COSP in giro per l'Italia e, attraverso le reazioni e l'interesse dei colleghi, mi rendo conto di quanto sia potente questo modello.

Oltre al lavoro clinico e di formazione che mi coinvolge sempre molto, nella mia vita privata sono un'appassionata di cinema, libri, cucina e soprattutto ballo. Lo scorso anno, alla veneranda età di 55 anni sono diventata un'insegnante di balli caraibici.

La crescente autonomia dei figli crea spazi che è possibili riempire con altre "passioni". I miei figli, infatti, sono ora due giovani adulti: Valeria si è trasferita a Milano dove studia Psicologia e Leonardo sta studiando in Sud Africa per diventare guida naturalistica. Hanno preso sul serio la motivazione all'esplorazione!

Portrait of Johanne Smith-Nielsen

Johanne Smith-Nielsen

Johanne Smith-Nielsen is a licensed clinical psychologist and associate professor at the University of Copenhagen, Center for early intervention and family studies.

Working within an attachment- and mentalization theory informed framework, she is dedicated to promoting parental and infant mental health and preventing adverse socioemotional outcomes in children. Since she received her degree in psychology in 2008, Johanne has worked with at-risk families, parents struggling with mental illness, as well as with the continued education of professionals (e.g. home visitors and psychologists in Denmark) working within this area. More recently, Johanne has also started working with professional caregivers, and is currently doing research on the use of the COS classroom approach.

At the university where Johanne is teaching at the Department of psychology, for example, she is responsible for the clinical psychology program for Master’s psychology students, and she is teaching courses about attachment- and mentalization based intervention within family and infant mental health. Johanne has done research on the effectiveness of the COSP since 2015. In 2020, together with her research team, she launched a research project on the use of COSP-Classroom Danish childcare centers. See here and here for more information about the research Johanne is doing on the Circle of Security approach. As part of her clinical work, Johanne has run numerous COS groups with parents and professional caregivers, she is certified fidelity coach and COS Classroom facilitator, and she has supervised a wide range of professionals working with the COSP and COS Classroom approach in their practice.

Privately, Johanne is mother of three girls, the owner of two cats, and married to Sune.

Portrait of Trasie Topple

Trasie A. Topple

Trasie is a licensed clinical social worker and an infant and early childhood mental health consultant. She has worked as a clinician, researcher, consultant, and university faculty. She began her clinical practice working with Spanish-speaking families in 2008 in New Mexico where she was first trained in COS. Trasie completed her doctorate in social work in 2018 in her home state at the University of Georgia. Trasie has received years of clinical supervision using COSP programming and her enthusiasm for the model led her to research the impact of Circle of Security Parenting in the classroom. Trasie currently works as a project consultant with COSI to further develop the COSP Classroom Approach, a professional development and coaching model for early childhood professionals. In addition, she delivers and provides supervision on the Approach with school districts and Head Start centers both in Georgia and across the United States.

In Georgia, Trasie has been influential in organizing systems, providing professional development, and advocating for the needs of young children. She is the co-chair of the newly formed Georgia Association for Infant Mental Health (GA-AIMH). During her studies, she also completed the Infant-Parent Mental Health Postgraduate Certificate Program at the University of Massachusetts-Boston.

Trasie and her husband, Craig, reside in Athens, Georgia with their school-aged children along with their dog, hamster, and 2 bunnies. She enjoys traveling, gardening, biking, creative endeavors, and being outdoors with her family and friends. She is also a member of the Athens Area Pickleball Association, a new love of her life! Trasie is grateful for the attachment framework COS provides for meaningful relationships both personally and professionally.

Portrait of Stig Torsteinson

Stig Torsteinson

Together with his partner, Ida Brandtzæg, Stig has worked tirelessly to promote Circle of Security Parenting in the Scandinavian countries. Stig graduated from the University of Oslo with degrees in Psychology and has dedicated his teaching and clinical careers to infant psychology. He worked at Aline Spedbarns center and at the infant section at Nic Waals Institute in Oslo for many years. Currently, he and Ida Brandtzæg are the directors of Attachment-Psychologists; Education-Center and Clinic (Tilknytningspsykologene; Utdanningssenter og Klinikk) in Oslo, Norway (see

Stig is a COS Supervisor and Trainer and works both with the COS-Intensive Intervention and COSP in Scandinavia. His recent interest includes putting updated knowledge from attachment theory and research and elements from the COS program into practice in child care and school settings. Together with Ida and Guro Øiestad at the University of Oslo, he has written two books on this topic- both translated into Swedish and Danish; Stig and Ida have also recently written two books about attachment together with professor Lars Smith: «Barn og relasjonsbrudd». Del 1 Mikroseparasjoner and Del 2 Mikroseparasjoner (2019). In these books ruptures in the relationship between children and their caregivers are explored with a focus on how clinicians can work to enhance attachment relationships.

In his spare time, Stig enjoys spending time with his family and friends. Stig is a music lover and is also an excellent cook. In addition he loves running, skiing, and trekking in the woods together with Ida.

Sammen med sin partner, Ida Brandtzæg, har Stig arbeidet utrettelig for å fremme Circle of Security i Skandinavia. Stig ble uteksaminert som psykolog fra Universitetet i Oslo, og har dedikert sin karriere til sped- og småbarns psykologi. Han har arbeidet ved Aline Spedbarnssenter og ved Nic Walls Institutt i flere år. I dag er han, sammen med Ida Brandtzæg, leder for Tilknytningspsykologene; Utdanningssenter og Klinikk (se Han er COS Supervisor og Trainer og arbeider både med COS-Intensive Intervention og COSP i Skandinavia. Hans seneste interesser inkluderer å å fremme oppdatert kunnskap fra tilknytningsteori og forskning, sammen med elementer fra COS programmet, inn i praksis i barnehage og skole. Sammen med Ida og psykolog Guro Øiestad fra Universitetet i Oslo har han skrevet to bøker om emnet som er oversatt til svensk og dansk.

Ida har også nylig skrevet et tobindsverk om tilknytning sammen med Stig og professor Lars Smith: «Barn og relasjonsbrudd». Del 1 Mikroseparasjoner and Del 2 Mikroseparasjoner (2019). Bøkene utforsker brudd i relasjoner mellom barn og deres omsorgspersoner, og hvordan klinikere kan arbeide for å styrke tilknytningsrelasjoner.

På fritiden liker Stig å være sammen med familie og venner. Stig er musikk elsker og er også en dyktig kokk. I tillegg er han glad i å løpe, eller å gå på ski, i skogen sammen med Ida.

Portrait of Susanne Walker Wilson

Susanne Walker Wilson

Susanne Walker Wilson has been a therapist, parent educator, early intervention specialist, consultant and trainer in inner-city Washington DC, Colombia, South America, and across Appalachian communities in North Carolina for more than 25 years. She is a licensed clinical social worker and a reflective supervisor with a private practice in Asheville, NC. Her focus is the intersection of early relational health, resilience, and public health prevention. Susanne is endorsed as an Infant Mental Health professional at the Clinical Mentor level and offers reflective consultation through the NC Infant Mental Health Association.

Susanne describes Circle of Security as continuing to inform and transform her work and her own heart. She facilitates COSP groups across diverse contexts (rural and urban, with caregivers living near harm and those who experience privilege) and utilizes the Circle as a framework for systems change and leadership development. Through the Psychoanalytic Center of the Carolinas she anchors statewide systems change and collective impact that invites North Carolina leaders and policy makers to hold the centrality of attachment in mind. Through the nonprofit Resources for Resilience, Susanne coordinates an initiative with local government funding to bring COSP groups and ongoing COSP “reunions” (by parent request) to child welfare-involved parents and to the professionals who serve them. She and others have also been bringing COSP groups to North Carolina’s Early Intervention workforce statewide. Susanne is a co-founder and leadership partner of the Attachment Network of North Carolina. As a COSP Fidelity Coach and reflective consultant with professionals around the world, Susanne appreciates the chance to be with and learn from colleagues committed to mentalization models that support increased adult reflective functioning.

Susanne’s own kids, now in their twenties, are a source of delight in her life and keep teaching her about the Circle. Cooking with and for friends, hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and traveling with her husband, Greg, are some of her favorite ways to play.